As an introduction to all readers, espeacially if you're new with me and my writings, my name is Daniel Azere (with DANS as a pen-name), and my writings usually consists of the fictional/fantasy genre. This time, I will put on reviews and comments on loads of things on this page (with updates of my writings) while I'll separate my fictional stories on a separate blog. Links will always be updated on this page, so in order to make it easy for everyone, just come to this address (http://danslinkage.blogspot.com/) to take a look at what's new and updated.
There are still things that I need to do, so my artwork will be for online viewing by 19th August. Don't miss it!!
Attention to all TESL batch 7 students, do please go to this link;
Thank you! Hehe...
Awww...Malaysia's archery squad is in a pinch. The results of the singles yesterday was quite dissapointing, which two of our national contestans lost by only a one-point difference! Huhu...tough luck guys, you did your best! Oh, and congrats to Chong Wei (badminton) for making it to the semi-finals! :)
hello benben :)
ohhh..hello..haha, hope u'll become an avid reader of mine!
See Dwane's blog too...link is on da side..
heyya dude!Glad u finally started it again...I will be looking forward to reading what u have unearthed from that ingenious mind of urs!=)
P.S..happy to know that u got ur streamyx alredy..hrmm...GG??;P
hello ben2 :)
I'm sorry 4 not able 2 answer properly on ur last call..
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